Future of Clinical Trials

Imagine the future of clinical trials. No travel to a clinical site or doctor’s office is required. The mobile device is the link to the clinical research study and reports general information. Wearable sensors collect the data. Life parameters, pictures, surveys are sent automatically to the study electronic data capture (EDC). The study personnel visit patients at home for drug administration and follow-ups.
The future is now. Telemedicine and Virtual trials are slowly being implemented by Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology companies to improve the comfort of patients participating in clinical trials. This will allow patients to participate in the studies from their own homes with few or no visits to the trial site. For sponsors, it means reduced costs, shorter timelines and a greater reach for patient recruitment.
Medical devices are important part of Virtual trials model. Clinmark is cooperating with start-ups inventing devices for telemedicine. We are supporting them in the area of clinical development and CE mark certification to make them available on the market. With our recent change of EDC system and enhanced data management service, Clinmark is well on its way to making virtual trials a reality.